Facing denial to live in truth is critical for anyone, but especially those of us who have a loved one that struggles with addiction. Let’s learn why it’s an important element to address when healing from betrayal.
Denial. What is it and why do we need to be aware of it? This podcast episode uses a parable from Deiter F. Uchtdorf about blind men feeling and describing different parts of an elephant. One feels the trunk and says that it must be snake-like, while another feels a leg and thinks it's more like a tree.
Denial is like that. It's easy to have blinders on and only describe small parts of the big picture. We end up painting a false picture to ourselves and others.
We can’t fix what we can’t see. Shedding denial is a critical part of the healing process from betrayal trauma and other heartaches as well.
My goal has become to live in truth. However unappealing it may seem, living in truth helps me to have a clear picture so that I can make adjustments in my life.
For those of us who are suffering from trauma, living in truth is crucial because, as is talked about in The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, it is important for us to integrate what has happened to us.
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk (affiliate link)
Intimate Deception Dr. Sheri Keffer (affiliate link)
It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way (affiliate link)
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