How To Help a Loved One With a Sex Addiction
1- Learning About Sex Addiction
2- Keeping things shame free
3- Setting Boundaries
4- Strengthening Intuition
“Intuition is not a single way of knowing - it's our ability to hold space for uncertainty and our willingness to trust the many ways we've developed knowledge and insight, including instinct, experience, faith and reason.” Brene Brown
5- Surrendering
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown (affiliate link)
Betrayal Trauma SOS Instagram post regarding porn being a needle
Betrayal Trauma SOS Podcast episode 8: Intuition You Were Right and You Knew It
Betrayal Trauma SOS Podcast episode 11: Boundaries When Your Spouse Has a Sex Addiction
Betrayal Trauma SOS Podcast episode 13: The POWER of Surrendering
Are you curious if a Betrayal Trauma First Aid Kit might benefit you? First Aid Kits can help in times of emotional distress. Join...
Episode 14: Q & A I appreciate all of the questions submitted for this Q &A episode. In this Betrayal Trauma SOS podcast episode,...
Grace is my favorite tool for healing from... anything but especially betrayal trauma. The key element in my recovery from betrayal trauma that stems...