You can't fix sex addiction with sex. Trust me. I tried. Has the idea ever come to you that marriage might fix a sex addiction, or that having a baby will? I relate. Join me, Jeni Brockbank, as I guide you through my journey of coming to learn what addiction REALLY is. This gets interesting as we discuss the Rat Park study and so much more. I'll take you through my process of coming to better understand sex addiction and that this understanding helps to find tools for healing from betrayal trauma.
We will end with a guided mediation at the end that incorporates divine worth, your eternal origin, and that you are enough. You are beyond enough.
A few links and/ or references from this episode include:
Meditation: You Are Enough- You Are Beyond Enough
Enter To Win a Betrayal Trauma SOS First Aid Kit On Facebook (Winner chosen May 19, 2020)
Everything You Think You Know About Addiction Is Wrong Johann Hari
Unwanted by Jay Stringer
You Matter To Him by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Have you tried sharing your story of betrayal trauma with someone? If you're lucky, it went well, but if your experiences are similar to...
Are you curious if a Betrayal Trauma First Aid Kit might benefit you? First Aid Kits can help in times of emotional distress. Join...
How To Help a Loved One With a Sex Addiction We can't "fix" our loved ones, but there are things that we can do....